Configuration of Custom Format Decoder plug‑in

Read‑a‑Card plug‑ins may be configured using a Windows configuration file. In the case of the Custom Format Decoder, this file is named CustomFormatDecoder.ini.

This .ini file should be with the Read‑a‑Card.ini file. You will find this:

On Windows XP/2000: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Read‑a‑Card\

On Windows Vista/7/8/10: C:\ProgramData\Read‑a‑Card\

For the Custom Format decoder plug‑in to work, CustomFormatDecoder.ini must at least contain the following:



PluginName=Custom Format Decoder

Note: A configuration file with the minimum essential content is generated when you choose this plug‑in on the Format tab. Take care not to delete these lines, as you add other settings.

PluginVersion specifies the minimum version of the plug‑in that this configuration expects. If this value is greater than the actual plug‑in version, an error message will be displayed when the plug‑in is selected.

Note: If you add extra settings do not repeat the [Config] section heading . There must only be one [Config] section in a .ini file.